Dashboard is the place where the admins, managers, and TLs can have a quick snapshot of what’s happening in their organization. The EmpMonitor dashboard is super clean, intuitive, and easy to understand. Your Dashboard helps to measure your team’s performance  at a glance.


Introduction To Real Time Statistics Counters


This part of the dashboard will provide you an overview of your Registered Employees, Online and Offline Employees, and Absent Employees. 


Registered Employees - Represents total number of employees registered.


Currently Active - Represents  the number of employees active and doing work.


Currently Idle - Represents the number of employees who are idle, not performing any activities.


Offline/Absent - Represents the number of employees who are absent on a particular day or is offline (not on their systems).


Suspended - Represents the number of employees who have been suspended.


Activity Break Down

Next, you can see in the below screenshot  the Activity Break Down of an Organisation. 

In this section -

Users will get a detailed outline of the time and hours worked by the team members.

EmpMonitor here provides a breakdown of the activities of each employee. The table and the chart represents Active hours, Idle hours, Productive and non-productive hours, and Neutral hours.

Active hours refers to the time employees have been active and doing productive tasks.

Idle hours refers to the time employee has not been active, or have not performed any activity.

Productive Hours refers to the time an employee has been actively working, visiting productive domains, apps, links, and anything work related.

Non Productive Hours refers to the time an employee has been visiting unproductive domains, apps, links, and anything which is not work related.

Neutral Hours refers to the time an employee spends on neutral URLs. URL's and applications used by users by default assigned as neutral.

You can change the status of used URLs and applications  from neutral to productivity as per companies requirement.

So when users spend time on productive URLs and applications, software will count that as productive hours.

When users spend time on neutral URLs then software will count that as neutral time.

Same when user spend time on Non-productivity domains then software will count that as Non-productivity time.  As per Productivity time it will calculate  productivity percentage.

Productive, Non-Productive Employees

Right Below the Activity Break down, Admins, managers, TLs, can have a quick look at their top 10 Productive or non-productive employees of the company and their total work time.

Location and Department Performance

The performance reports let you track the performance of your employees location and department wise. In addition to the common report filters, you can view the report by current day, yesterday, and this week.

Websites and Applications Usage

Web Pages & Applications report shows all the application processes run by the users and the webpages they have visited. In addition to the common report filters, you can view the report by current day, yesterday, and this week.


Office time = Computer Activities time + Idle Time + Break Time

Computer Activities time = Productive Time + Unproductive Time + Neutral Time

Productivity = (Productive Time / Office time) %


Clock In = When the system  started first time on a particular day.

Clock Out = It will update after some time, so the clock out time will keep on changing which means until it gets updated from the system it will continue to change. Once the system doesn't give the update then it will save the last updated time  as clock out time.