Answer :- If you have EmpMonitor installed on your employee computer, but you are unable to see its activity data and report. You can troubleshoot following the below mentioned steps.

Step 1). Open Task Manager.

Step 2). Click on Services tab.

Step 3). Locate MicrosoftScreenService2 and MonitorStealth and check if their status is “Running”.

Step 4). Click on Details, then locate displayhost2.exe and check if its status is “Running”.

If Services are not running :-

If any of the above two mentioned services MicrosoftScreenService2 and MonitorStealth are not running. 

EmpMonitor won’t be able to collect the data of your employee. To enable collecting data for your reports, Right click on the stopped service and press Start button. It should now start running. Within a few seconds, you will be able to see displayhost2.exe also running under the Details tab.