The report comes with the following special columns -

Name:     Represent the name of your employees 

Clock In: The time when the system  starts for the first time on a particular day.

Clock Out: It will update after some time, so the clock out time will keep on changing which means until it gets updated from the system it will continue to change. Once the system doesn't give the update then it will save the last updated time  as clock out time.

             Total Hours:- Represent the total time spend between Clock out and Clock In.

Office Hours: Represent the total time spent in the office.

Active Hours: Represents the total number of time when activities are performed in the system. 

ProductiveRepresents time spent on productive websites and applications; based on the classification you made.

Unproductive: Refers any time not spent on Productive web pages/applications are classified as unproductive.

Neutral: Neutral time refers to time an employee spends on neutral URL’s. URL's and applications used by users by default assigned as neutral.

Idle: Idle represents the absence of activity on keyboard and mouse

Break Time: Break time refers to the meal periods, or break period of an organization.

Productivity%: Refers to the percentage of the time productively spent on office. (Productive Time / Custom productivity Time) %

Note:- Application and website list will be saved after installation of the setup, then the setup will give the names of the applications and websites used by the employee. After then the admin can change the neutral to productive or unproductive based on the company policies.