Welcome to Zoho Drive Storage Configuration

Go Through This Video : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYlXQm8n8M

Step 1:

Go to this link https://api-console.zoho.in/

And signup

Step 2:

Click on Get start

Step 3:

Click on Server-based Applications

Step 4:

Give the client name,Homepage url and Authorized redirect URIs as https://google.com and click on create

Step 5:

Client id and Client secret will be generated as shown in the screenshot. Copy it

Step 6:

Then open Postman.Select Get Method and paste the url:-  https://accounts.zoho.in/oauth/v2/auth?scope=ZohoProjects.portals.READ,ZohoProjects.projects.ALL,ZohoProjects.tasks.READ,ZohoProjects.users.ALL,WorkDrive.team.ALL,WorkDrive.workspace.ALL,WorkDrive.files.ALL&client_id=1000.2R0XN2WKMN71486ZPDQDXE9R5X2JZI&response_type=code&access_type=offline&redirect_uri=https://google.com&prompt=consent 
and replace the client id and redirect_uri as shown in the below screenshot and then click on send

Step 7:

Copy that Url, open the browser and past it and click enter, as shown below screenshot 

Click on Accept

Step 8:

Code will be generated as shown in the below screenshot

Copy that code

Step 9:

Open the postman Set it to Post method and paste the url:- https://accounts.zoho.eu/oauth/v2/token?code=1000.d0cf34a8fe502e5886106cb3b0eb8660.5fe64bb0a9f99a70927b6a57c97c2464&redirect_uri=https://github.com&client_id=1000.Y3PQVD1G6UNUH6K6X4MOH6FC84ATQR&client_secret=0f6a0650a9e858b814e3a28e93b7c86026c5a8f63a&grant_type=authorization_code

Replace the domain as per your workdrive Domain. Ex- in/com 


Also replace the code as generated in above step,redirect_uri as https://google.comclient id and client secret and click on send

Step 10:

You will get the refresh token as show in below screenshot

Step 11:

Then go to Api console page and click on My Account

Step 12:

Click on the menu button as shown in the screenshot and click on Docs

Step 13:

Copy the zoho team as shown in the screenshot

Step 14:

Open the Dashboard and go to Setting=>Storage type and click on Add storage

Step 15:

Select Zoho Work Drive

Step 16:

Provide the zoho client id,zoho client secret,zoho refresh token,zoho team,Domain  as per your workdrive Domain. Ex- in/comNo of days and click on add storage

FYI :- Screenshot of time 23.30-00.00 for every expired day will bedeleted on next day.