Using Alerts/notification Admin can set the rule for the employees .We have 9 trigger points ,on which points rules can be triggered with any given condition by user and at the same time Admin can get the real time alerts  and mail as well .

Create an alert :-
Step-1 From sidebar select 'Alerts’ from ‘Behaviour’ dropdown
Step 2:-  From Rule trigger form enter the Rule name
Step-3 As default rule will be applied to all employees ,or else you can customize it with specific location, department or employee

Step-4 Select one rule from the given 9 rules

Step-5 Set condition for the selected rule if it is needed

Step-6  If needed any note, the Admin can keep a note for this rule trigger
Step-7 Admin have to set the risk level for the alert or else as default it will be in medium  

Step-8 As default toggle button for Multiple alerts in a day will be on. It means the same alert will be popped up on every start of the new session until it has not been marked as read, within one day Admin can see it multiple times. 

*If the Admin doesn't want to see multiple alerts, then it can be turned off.
Step-9  With this we can real time alert popups .As default it will be off but Admin can enable it for the real time alert popups.
step -10 
Whom to be notified it means here Admin can add any Employees/Managers/Team Leads who can see the alerts with the permission from the Admin

FYI :-Admin can add his/her name to the list by selecting ‘Myself’

After this, click on save & Launch
By clicking on ‘Back to alert list’ button or  ‘Alert policies’ from sidemenubar  Admin can get redirected to the List of created policies/rule trigger points 


RULE :- Daily work time less or more than specific time (Shift is mandatory)

 For less 
when daily actual hour is 1 hour less from specific shift hour then at the end of the shift Admin will get real time alert

For more
>>when daily actual hour is 1 hour more from shift hour then after completing  one hour Admin will get real time alert no matter what user still logged in or logged out

 RULE :-2 When some one ends early than specified minutes (Shift is mandatory)

when any user logged out before some specific given time (given by Admin) then at the end of the shift real time notification will be there.

 RULE :-3 when some one starts early than specified minutes  (Shift is mandatory)

If  any  employee has logged in  before any specific shift start time given by Admin then at the starting of the shift, Admin will get the real time alert .

RULE :-04 When someone starts late by specified minutes. (Shift is mandatory)

When someone starts late from the specified shift start time then after user logged-in, Admin will get real time alerts .

RULE :-05 When someone is absent for specified days.

When someone has  not logged in during shift timing or there is no working hour in between the provided shift then at the end of the shift Admin will have the real time alert.

RULE :-06 When someone works on days off

When someone has logged-in during shift timing on off days(on that day employees should not have shifts)Admin will have an alert at the starting of the shift .

RULE :-07 When someone is ideal for more than specified minutes

When someone’s ideal time is continuously increasing for specific minutes set by Admin then,Admin will have alerts even out of the shift timings .

FYI :- Value for the ideal time should be greater than or equal to 3 min

RULE :-08 When someone accesses specified web pages/application

When someone will access any specific web page/application set by Admin ,then Admin will have real time alert for that.

RULE :-9 When someone spends more time on specified web page/applications 

When someone is spending more than specified time on specific web page/application then set by Admin,then Admin will have real time alert