-From Auto Email Report module you can send reports of the user to the respective Email Ids
on daily , weekly, and monthly basis
-Click on Report option then select ‘Auto email report’ from dropdown list

1. Go to auto email reports module under REPORTS Module on dashboard
2.  Click on create new report button 

3. After clicking above page will display
4. In Reports title text field provide necessary Title which you want for report
5. Select daily , weekly , or monthly radio button as per admin requirement 

6. In participants text field provide email ids in which you want reports , Here you can also provide multiple email ids along with comma ( , )
7.If admin wants reports on its own email id then select the checkbox ‘I want to receive email reports’
8. In content section you can select which reports admin want to receive

9. In Filter section If admin wants reports of whole organization then select Whole organization radio button and if admin wants report for particular employee then select Specific Employee radio button or if admin wants then particular departments  can be selected from the dropdown list.

*for employee filter 

* for department filter

10. From here you can send Test Mail to the respective email ids 

11. Then click on save to save the email campaign 

EDIT email campaign
Using this edit Icon admin can make changes to each and every mail campaign 

Delete campaign
Admin can delete email campaigns by using delete report option