Using this feature, users can claim the Idle/Offline hours (from employee dashboard) to Managers/Admin to count and approve those hours as Active hours.

Idle Time Claim(From employee Dashboard)

You can use this option to claim idle hours from the Employee dashboard.

Create Request
=>Click the “Create Request”  button on the right side menu of the screen. 

=>Select start and end time 

=>Click on the get list

=>Choose the application details from the list and add reason

=>Click on create request

Your request will be created and it will be visible to the assigned managers and admin.


Once the request is created you can see the request from the admin panel.
Here you can see the details of the employee who claim the request.

Full Name:- Employee full name.
Date:- In which date request got created.
Start Time:- Application/Domain start time.
End Time:- Application/Domain end time.
Reason:- Reason for claiming idle hours.
Approve Name:- Once the admin or manager accepts the approval, here it will show the approved user name.
Status:- Here you can see the Status of the request.

Once you click on the view request button the user is able to check the application details, also the user can approve or decline the request.

Time Claim(Offline)(From employee Dashboard):-
You can use this option to claim offline hours to managers/Admin.
Select the offline radio button, then click on create request.

Here once you select the date automatically the offline hours will show in total offline time phase and as per that you can set the request offline time in sec and at last you can add reason for offline claim and create request.

Once the request is created you can see the request from the admin panel.
Here you can see the details of the employee who made the request.

Full Name:- Employee full name.
Date:- In which date request got created.
Requested Time:-  Requested offline hours to convert to Active hours.
Reason:- Reason for claiming idle hours.
Approve Name:- Once the admin or manager accepts and approves the claims, here it will show the approved user name.
Status:- Here you can see the Status of the request.

Here you can approve or decline the request with reason.