Answer :- If your Employee status is showing as absent but they are working for the day, there are possibilities that the services in their system might have been stopped. To troubleshoot and fix the issue - Please follow this guide (

But what if the services are running perfectly on their systems? Another possibility is that their computers don’t have the latest version of EmpMonitor. To troubleshoot this issue - Follow  the below mentioned steps:

Step 1).Open path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Corp\EmpMonitor" and check the version of “displayhost2.exe” . All you have to do is to Right click on your mouse button and click Properties. Then under the Details tab, Check the current installed version of EmpMonitor. 

If the Installed version is older, kindly ask your employee to restart the system. The version will be updated automatically right after your employee restarts the system. 


*In case you any issue prevails, Feel free to Contact our Support Team. We are here to help you 24*7.